Friday, July 10, 2015

Volume II of ACNA liturgy now online

On Wednesday, the ACNA website published the initial chapters of Volume II of its Texts for Common Prayer, available for free download at the ACNA website. These include services for Baptism, Confirmation and Renewal of the Baptismal Vows.

Like a software company, the ACNA is using version numbers and is now publishing a “Change Log” so the public can track the new liturgy versions as they are released.
Change Log

Volume I
  • 11-16-13 Version 1.1 released. This release corrects typos found in the original.
  • 10-17-13 Version 1.0 released.
Holy Eucharist
  • 11-16-13 Version 1.1 released. This release corrects typos found in the original.
  • 10-17-13 Version 1.0 released.
Morning and Evening Prayer
  • 11-16-13 Version 1.1 released. This release corrects typos found in the original.
  • 10-17-13 Version 1.0 released.
The Ordinal
  • 11-16-13 Version 1.1 released. This release corrects typos found in the original.
  • 10-17-13 Version 1.0 released.
Volume II
  • 7-8-15 Version 1.0 released.
  • 7-8-15 Version 1.0 released.
  • 7-8-15 Version 1.0 released.
  • 7-8-15 Version 1.0 released.
I am guessing that (like the NIV) they won’t be making the old version available, but (hopefully) unlike the NIV the revisions won’t contain major theological changes.

The Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force presented a report at last month’s ACNA Provincial Council in Vancouver. (Since the retirement of Bp. Bill Thompson, the TF is chaired by Bp. Bob Duncan, former ACNA primate). The task force has five subcommittees:
  1. Calendar, Collects and Lectionaries is developing a 3-year Sunday lectionary based on Common Lectionary (not RCL) as well as a daily office lectionary and a (reduced) list of saints days.
  2. Episcopal Office is working on services for the consecration of church and for “celebration of new ministry.”
  3. Psalter and Music is producing a new Psalter and an online resource “that would offer hymnody, praise songs, and traditional anthems related to the lectionary of every Sunday and season of the Christian year” as well as service music. It also states explicitly: “There is no plan to produce a hymnal.”
  4. Offices of the Hours and Occasional Rites plans services for noontime and compline prayer services.
  5. Pastoral Offices is working on marriage and baptism services.
The report also says it hopes to finish all “working texts” by 2017 so it can begin to incorporate feedback from the trial use (so keeps those cards and letters coming!)

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